March 27, 2020 0 Comments

5 Best Exercises To Do At Home (No equipment required)


With the outbreak of Coronavirus, everybody is at house arrest. Gym closures and quarantine mandates are forcing people to make big changes to their routines. Staying at home for the next few days without going to the gyms can be maddening for your mind and body.


But this is the time when you really need to look out for yourself both physically and mentally. It’s important to preserve some sense of normalcy for your own well-being. Every little bit of movement counts so move! move! move!


So what, if you are bound at home and don’t have dumbbells or other cardio equipment like treadmill, cross-trainers, cycle, etc? You don’t need one to workout! You can always exercise even without using any equipment. You just need motivation and atmosphere.


So assemble your family and try these Coronavirus exercises(*giggles*) to do at home without using any equipment:


  1. Stair Stepping:

Stair Stepping is a great exercise which is easy and simple to do at home during Coronavirus outbreak. Even if you don’t have a set of stairs available, you can always use a sturdy bench or a small stool which is not that high. You can put the bench or stool in front of your TV and can enjoy your show simultaneously.


  1. The Plank

Get into a push-up position, but instead of bending your arms and moving down towards the floor, hold the position with your arms extended. Start off holding the position for 30 seconds, and add an additional 10 seconds every day. See how long you can go for – it’s definitely not easy! This is one of the most challenging exercises, but it’s also one of the best for your core.

Moreover during this Coronavirus outbreak, you can tighten up your core and improve your stamina.


  1. Lunges

Lunges is one exercise which you can do in any way. You can do walking lunges across the hallway or balcony or you can simply stand and hold a bar or wall for support and do them easily by pushing yourself down and then pulling yourself up.

If you are walking down the hall then you can also improvise by holding bottles filled with water to add up some weight to make it more challenging.


  1. Jumping Jacks

This is another elementary school throwback, but it offers a great cardio workout. If you are watching a TV show, get up during the commercials and do a round of jumping jacks.

All you have to do is extend your legs and arms outward and jump while trying to make snow fairy with your arms and legs.


  1. Squats

To do squats, you have to spread your legs sideways, back should be straight and try to push yourself down with your butt stretched outward. Through this exercise, you almost cover your leg day as it is that effective and if you are a beginner then you can start by using a chair to get the right form.

To push yourself to a higher level you can try sumo squats by carrying some weights.


Staying at home is important for your own good and staying fit is also for your own good. So try to keep your routine in check by exercising at home even if you don’t have any equipment. These exercises might help you at the time of outbreak of Coronavirus.


Quarantine yourself! Stay Home! Stay Safe!



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